Healthy Habits

Problems pass

“Your problems adjust to their true level of importance after a hard workout and a good night of sleep”.  James Clear Yesterday ‘feels’ very different from today.  Yesterday I was ruminating on problems and making them far bigger than they actually are.  I was so caught up in the emotions that were overwhelming me, and […]

Managing those pesky distractions …

MANAGING THOSE PESKY DISTRACTIONS – FROM THE DESK OF SOMEBODY WHOSE MIND FLITS AROUND LIKE A BUTTERFLY.  I know that for many families, the relief for them and the teachers  that their very distracted child is now taking something to promote concentration is enormous.  There is certainly a reason for some to be taking medication […]

Friday Forgiveness …

I so hope that this has been a good week and a week where you have been compassionate to yourself – and to others.  Sometimes we are so hard on ourselves and others that we can make our week  quite miserable.  Have you been critical and berating to yourself?  Have you ruminated over mistakes?  Have […]


Far too often over the many years of my life I have started journalling.  I know the science behind it, I hear of the benefits and yet I also know that I invest too much into the ‘event’ and do not persevere when not feeling like it.   I have started again and this time […]

Anchor to your values.

Values are:  a set of ideas about HOW you want to live your life, the KIND of person you want to be and the PRINCIPLES you want to stand for.  Your values, the things that really do matter to you, might well change and adjust over time.  However, however holding fast to your values helps […]

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