Healthy Habits


WORDLE Our daughter introduced me to WORDLE a couple of months ago – and like for so many of us it has become a part of the daily morning ritual.  A very satisfying one too, now that I am getting the hang of it! My initial attempts were frustrating.  I sensed that I very quickly […]


I really do notice posture.  We all do, even if subconsciously.   It is the posture of people that just so reflects how they are feeling in that moment.  And I truly believe and notice that our posture reverberates ‘feelings’ to those around us. The other day I was at the bank.  A young woman […]

Challenge your vocabulary!

This is just another reminder to nudge you to start noticing the words that you use when talking about your life, your work, a particular situation.  Are these words  becoming so habitual that they are making a situation stagnate, because that is how you are constantly describing it. I know about this, because I do […]

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