Problems pass

“Your problems adjust to their true level of importance after a hard workout and a good night of sleep”.  James Clear

Yesterday ‘feels’ very different from today.  Yesterday I was ruminating on problems and making them far bigger than they actually are.  I was so caught up in the emotions that were overwhelming me, and I was forgetting the fact that problems really do pass!  

Emotions come from our thought life.  My thinking life yesterday was through a very narrow, victim mindset, frustrated and “this is hopeless” lens – I was allowing myself to spiral down.  I have also been over tired, getting to bed too late and not honouring some boundaries that are important for me – for my work and my family life.  

I have started to day with a whole new perspective.  Completely.  A glorious walk after a very good deep sleep – and reminding myself that I can do this, that I am working out what I need to work out, and apropos to my last blog – focusing on what I can do, sticking to my own lane, and getting on with what can be done TODAY.  

My mindset is far from perfect, but I absolutely wholeheartedly acknowledge the power of time, of effective rest and exercise.   

In short, trust that emotions regulate – and that they will go up and down.  And that is alright. I find too that in setting out a clear list of INTENTIONS for my day is a start to momentum.  I aim at taking ridiculously tiny steps – but it is just the starting that helps me power out of the ‘sludge’.  

REACH OUT too to somebody.  And if this seems too taxing, write down what you are feeling and perhaps ask ourself some careful questions as to what is really going on and IF you were your own coach, what advise would you give to your self?  And move your body – jog on the sport, shake yourself out, breath very deeply … and just move.  

Motions shift emotion.  Sleep restores and refreshes and enables a renewed perspective.  Problems come and they go.  

Problems pass

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