Walking and talking – what joy!
Walking, especially with friends, is wonderfully enriching and certainly makes me happy!
Helping you to be your best
Walking, especially with friends, is wonderfully enriching and certainly makes me happy!
How are you choosing for your week to go? In England it is the Summer holidays. The academic year has drawn to a close and there is a lot of time before new terms start – whether school or university. In South Africa the holidays are about to begin before the final term of […]
What would your answers be to: What do you love to do that actually lights you up and makes you feel happy? What would you love to be making time for? What are you not doing that you want to be doing? A dream day – what is happening and what are you doing? And […]
It really is a sensational sunny evening in Somerset. I am weary after a day of invigilating but it is work that I love doing. Seeing an ambitious school in action – witnessing the staff doing as much as they can to support the 100’s of children who attend is quite something and I want […]
Take time to notice the very great things that you have accomplished – and the skills that you have inorder to have accomplished what you did.
Good morning on this rather rainy day. This exam season is now well on it’s way. The rhythm and formula of the exams will be becoming familiar to you I suspect and I hope that you give yourself a big ‘pat on the back’ as you complete each exam. This is the time […]
April 2024 Learning over the holidays … Good morning on this rather lovely spring day. Easter holidays, but for many this is also the season of exams that matter. Whether you are learning for your GCSE’s, A’levels or BTEC’s – I just hope that you are in a rhythm of studying that is working effectively […]
If you just knew that you could produce a very good CV now … how would you go about writing it?
What I am learning … We have just moved house. I love our new home and it is a home that our wonderful team have been restoring for nearly two years. Much of the house was derelict and thus inorder for us to get to where we are now, the house had to be taken […]
Good morning on this Marvellous Monday, Motivating Monday, Mighty Monday. The academic terms are under way and I am just considering as to what are the habits that are so worthwhile in putting into place now – no matter the stage that you are currently at in your studies – that become a part of […]
You have accomplished your qualification congratulations to getting to this milestone. Now you are working towards starting the next stage here are a few questions to ask yourself. How would you approach your task of finding work today if you absolutely knew for certain that you will be offered a superb job in the […]