Job Interviews

What makes you a good fit?

This question regularly comes up.  It might feel as if you are being put on the spot with this one and it can initially feel rather awkward to respond to,  but with careful forethought this question provides the perfect platform from which you can reassure  your interviewers that you are the perfect answer to their […]

Q1 – Tell me about yourself …

I regularly remind students preparing for first interviews, that these occasions are just conversations (with purpose and a certain formality) through which the interviewer can get to know them beyond the paperwork.   Already they have read your CV and covering letter, but it is through meeting you in person (or via Zoom) that depth […]

The joys of interviews …

Interviews, approached with an excitement of possibilities, have the potential to be an  enriching process.  They offer you the opportunity to think clearly about what your particular gifts are, prompting you to recognise the real value that you have to offer. In essence, your interview is just a conversation.  The focus of this conversation is […]

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