School Interviews

Is ‘Interview Prep’ a good idea?

I would definitely say ‘yes’ to the above question but then qualify that with a “… it really depends on the way in which the preparation is done and with what intention?”. There is an understandable concern that ‘prepping’  equals being over  rehearsed and, consequently, stilted. This certainly happens. But, I see it very differently.  […]

EXPECT your interviews to go well.

Interviews really are just conversations and another way for a school to get to know a potential pupil beyond the paperwork that they already have.   I think that so much of the anxiety around school interviews is because they are ‘unscientific’.  As parents, you will probably be sitting in on the meeting and listening […]

The ZOOM school interview.

This is an extraordinary season for Prep School children who, as well as navigating ‘school at home’, are also looking ahead as to what their next chapter will be.  Interviews with senior schools have begun, and given current circumstances, those interviews are most likely to be conducted via Zoom.   Though the interview is ‘distanced’, […]

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