Taking the time to …

What would your answers be to:

What do you love to do that actually lights you up and makes you feel happy?

What would you love to be making time for?

What are you not doing that you want to be doing?

A dream day – what is happening and what are you doing?

And looking back, when was there a time when you felt exhilarated and excited because you were in the ‘flow’ of doing something that you really wanted to be doing?

I am asking these questions because there is much that I notice about myself.  Too often I am very distracted by ‘doing things’ that I tell myself need to be done before I actually do what I want to do – do what is actually important to me.  I ‘clear the decks’ – but actually creating this space for me is just a delay tactic, another of my clever ways of procrastinating.  And with the excuse as to why I have not done the thing that really matters in the long run.  

As an example – I love working alongside clients and within the coaching space seeing clients realise that they have all that is needed to take their next best step – to choose as to what a useful and good next thought might look like.  I love writing and also need to keep learning through reading and engaging with other people in the field.  However, the day slips by.  I am not reading what I would like to be and I am not acting on the ideas that I have because there is also that voice telling me “not yet”, “do this first so that you are more prepared or ready”, “you have to get this done first”.  And these excuses are taking me away from my mission.  And the excuses are so very automatic that I find myself going with their flow.  

Is there a mission, a side hussle, a hobby that you would you really like to be carving time for?  What is stopping you from doing so?  What I also know for sure is that if you just actually got on in doing ‘that thing’ the sense of happiness will be amplified.  So … just do it  (even if for just a very short amount of time as even the shortest amounts of time add up to something significant). 

Today, my intentions is to proactively block out time to read 3 chapters of a book that is valuable for me – and my work.   In doing this I also know for sure that I will have a sense of contentment for having done so, be inspired and also activated to keep going on the other many things that I want to be doing. 

May you have a wonderful Friday with a great weekend ahead. 

Taking the time to …

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