Making your personal statement count …

I think that it is the mindset – the approach – to writing the personal statement that is the great starting point and actually imperative if you are going to connect successfully.  Approaching it with intention, gusto,  and excitement to write effectively and well is important – because the task is important. If you are working on a project at work – that project might be one that has to be wrestled with, thought carefully about, reworked a few times and done so until completed and submitted.  The same with this.

Only YOU can write this document.  It is about you and links yourself to the company that you are applying to.  You know why the place that you are applying to would be a good fit for you; you know what skills you have that would be helpful to them; and, you are the only one who can determine as to whether the company holds values that reflect what you too are about.  It needs to be you to express to them why you would be the right person for them to seriously consider for the position.  YOU are the person who can best introduce yourself to them in a way that is authentic and genuine.

So, before you start the actual writing, find out as much as you can about the position being offered.  What does the company say in terms of the type of applicant they feel would most suit the position?  What are they looking for?   And, re the actual job – do a quick Google search to help you identity the skills that are excellent for that role – and remember your own life stories, your interactions, your academic and work experience, inorder to demonstrate to them that you have the capabilities and potential that they are wanting.

Remember too, you are going to be continuously learning and acquiring skills through your working life.  You might not have all the experience to start off with, but showing them that you expect yourself to be continuously developing new skills and that you are able to absorb and apply new learnings is imperative.  You are teachable.  We all are.

INTRODUCE YOURSELF:  This is YOUR story to how and why you have steered yourself into this avenue of  study and work. The interviewer wants to know what you are currently doing, but importantly why you are applying for a position.  This is the opportunity to tell them what and who has influenced you?  What you are bringing to your work / learning?  What kind of person you are?  What would you say are your greatest attributes within the learning / work space?

YOUR MOTIVATIONS:   What are you currently learning about and why have you applied to the position on offer?  What have you been up to that has led you to apply for a position here?  What are your real interests?   Where do you see yourself going in the future?  What is it that you like most about their company / organisation.  What are their values that resonate with yours?

And then tell them about your COMPETENCIES:

What have you done already that tells them about the skills that you have that would be of value to them?  

Why does this work matter to you?  What would be the particular contribution that you could make?

Say what you need to say once.  Keep your words specific and real.  As you write, visualise yourself as the professional already – doing superb work.  Engage in this writing and be pleased to be learning about both yourself, the organisation as well as the field in general. 

Just to get going – set a timer for 7 minutes and just write.  Then write some more.  Keep going.  Go back, reflect on what you have said, reword, rephrase and rework.  Then go back and research the company that you are applying to again.  What else are they saying about themselves? What other work have they done that you would like to be a part of?  Who are their competitors?  What is it about this company that you particularly like?  Why would you be a good fit for them? 

Then go over your piece again.  Read it aloud  so that you see every word as you have written it.  Read it again – If you were on the receiving end of this, what would your impression be?  Does it say what it needs to say.  If not, then it really just take a few energised moments to add and subtract and improve upon.  Make use of the Thesaurus for new and appropriate descriptive words.  What is another way of expressing yourself as ‘passionate’ about something!

This is an exercise worth grappling with.  You will be struggling with different problems throughout your working life.  This is the same.  Just take the careful time.  And then submit it with your CV – and always follow through to ensure that it has been received by the correct person.  

Tell them your story in a way that is engaging, enthusiastic and relevant.  

Well done.  Just do it!  

Making your personal statement count …

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