Happy Happy Christmas

Christmas 2021

Dearest All,

Thank you for the conversations that we have had this year; thank you for sharing with me your hopes and your concerns as you navigate yourself into the next chapter; thank you for talking about the fun things with me, as well as the difficult things; and, thank you for making my work so worthwhile and special to me.  I love what I do and it really is because of you!

This is the season of Christmas – the season of reaching out to others and also receiving ‘gifts’. To me, gifts are also about time and a listening ear, a time too to just absolutely notice and joyfully appreciate all that is actually around you. And I just hope that during this time you laugh, restore and become invigorated  and excited for 2022. 

I am all too aware that for those who are in the ‘inbetween’ season of ‘not quite sure as to what I am doing next’ that being asked “so what are you up to”? Is disconcerting and can make you feel anxious.  So, plan ahead.  People ask these questions because they care – so have an answer that sounds uplifting.  What about:

“I have loved my studies and am looking to work in …. Field”;

“Whilst busy applying for jobs, I am also loving good walks in the countryside and baking carrot cakes”;

“I am in lots of communication currently with interesting leads – the field that I am particularly drawn to is ……….”.

People do care; people do want to help; and, people are our networks.  Speaking happily about what you are currently up to, even if you are not actually in a paid job, creates interest in others and you never know – they might just have an opening to an opportunity for you.

May this Christmas be full of gladness and joy.  And once again,  thank you!


Happy Happy Christmas

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