Study Tips

Your mental approach to your studies is key to effective learning.  Even if you have yet to apply yourself and exams have already begun – just start now.  There is so much that you can do to ensure that the rest of your exam time is productive and hopefully rewarding. 

Before you even sit at your desk, imagine how you would like to feel once you have done what you set out to do.  I aim to feel  satisfied and accomplished.  Other words might be:  stimulated; content; invigorated; or, inspired.   This trick tunnels your focus for purposefulness.  Importantly too,  give yourself a very compelling reason as to why studying for your exams really does matter to you. 

Be extremely mindful about what you are telling yourself. Looking at your books and declaring ‘this is so dull’ or ‘I am bored’ is a recipe for hopeless learning.  Rather declare:  ‘my brain is a brilliant learning machine’; ‘I am excited to conquer these sections;  ‘I understand this easily’; ‘I am focused’.  Your brain does as it is told – so ensure that what you are telling your brain is very helpful!

Procrastination is a habit and the excuses that keep you away from your learning comes in many forms such as:  flicking through social media; taking too long in making another cup of tea; snacking; chatting with friends at length.  Timetable those joys for when you have already done what you have intended to do – when you have ‘earned’ it.  

Create an uncluttered work space, with all the ‘tools’ that you need at hand (bright felt tip pens and post it notes). 

  • SET A GOAL:  What are you wanting to accomplish during this study period? 
  • CLEAR YOUR MIND:  Be open to what you are learning about and study the material with curiosity and excitement.  
  • USE A VISUAL PACER:  Use your finger, or a marker, as you read. Your brain can process information at greater speed that you think.
  • TEACH what you have learnt.  Explain your work – even to your pet.
  • Your way of taking notes is personal.  Make notes of your notes – interact with what you are learning.  Ask questions, grapple with the material and see if you can tie it in with other subjects that you are learning about.  Make your work relevant to you.
  • Ask for help when you are unsure about something.

Study, and set a timer,  for between 35 to 45.   Then move around for 2 minutes.  Jump, skip, shake your hands out.  Breath deeply – take in that oxygen.  Keep HYDRATED … drink a glass of water. Reset yourself and get back to your books.  And importantly, please honor your sleep at the end of each day.  This is vital for your brain to organize your good learning into the great memory banks!

May your learning be enriching, rewarding and may you accomplish the exam results that you would like.

Study Tips

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