Managing the Feeling of Overwhelm.

I have these kinds of days.  I am overcome with that panicked feeling and a sense that I am not doing ‘anything’ – and not able to do anything. Despite being in the ‘business’ of tips and tricks for keeping those feelings at bay, I still have to manage the overwhelm myself.

When in this state, I am agitated, short, and spiral downward.  It is a very disempowered out of control feeling.   I want to just run away and hide from it.  But, this does not help me in the long run.  There are things that need to be faced and dealt with.  I suspect that you know exactly what I mean! 

So, what works well for me:

Always having a glass of water!  And a jog on the spot (or some kind of movement to release the tension);

Breathe … try that breathe as if you are ‘crying’ (2 gasping breaths in and then out) followed by ‘box breathing’;

Then (thanks to the brilliant coach, Alice Johnson) I am reminded to ‘compartmentalise’ my to do list. Just in putting each category into boxes, so clarity is given to what I need to do and I can see the process ahead being broken down into more manageable tasks.  Furthermore, I can also clearly see that there are areas of my life that are in fact working well!;

And then I just start.  Sometimes it really helps to start with the very smallest of projects – that might mean a text, a call or to tidy my desk.  It is something that I do to just get started.  Once I start ‘ticking’ through the lists, I do find that the quagmire of overwhelm becomes less dense.  

I have a few really big events on the horizon – they are difficult to manage at the moment but what I did do this afternoon was to reassure myself that I know that I will get through this, and that what needs to be done WILL be done.  Try it … 

And then what about just visualising yourself accomplishing what needs to be done.  I also find that praying aloud very helpful.  Very.  

Keep calm and carry on! And if you want somebody to walk this path with you, then contact me. I would love to help.

Managing the Feeling of Overwhelm.

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