Monday morning, the week is starting up … and for so many it is also the beginning of a long summer holiday. My hope and prayer is that this stretch of time is restorative, happy and interesting – whether you are enjoying being at home without the ordinary timetable to punctuate your day, or whether you are exploring new places. Expectations, possibilities and expectations differ from person to person and hence why I hope that from the outset you can determine what a good summer holiday would look like for you – without the background hyped chatter from other families.
It is alright to be at home with nothing much planned – it really is! Also, it is alright to allow for ‘boredom’. So often it is in those moments that creativity emerges, or unexpected joyful happenings. If still at a school age – I would say that ‘less is more’ is just perfect! For those who have left school or university, some of your will be entering the work place or looking around as you find your next step. I know that your time has the exciting diversions of parties and events – and I am pleading to you now that though it seems as if you have to attend certain functions – you really don’t. And though the chatter about them is so alluring – just do what is good for you!
So the question that I pose on this lovely Monday morning:
How do you want your day to go TODAY?
What is one thing that you will do today that you will be pleased to have done?
What would you choose today if it was entirely up to you?
Is there a book you are curious to start reading, or a hobby that you want to take up that you will be doing so today?
What activity can you do, even if for such a short time, OUTSIDE today?
And if you are using this summer holiday time to explore as to what your next chapter ahead is:
What industry can you spend time researching? – set a timer and just get started
Is there somebody that you can contact and call for an advisory conversation?
Could you start putting together a simple timetable so that you can see a structure and a plan for yourself?
Is there an inspiring book that you can delve into?
And what about a good podcast?
(And also what new healthful routine will you do that ensures you feel energised and very well).
In short – be your greatest cheer leader and be scrupulous as to what you listen to, what you read, and think carefully as to what is really important for YOU to be doing during this time – lead yourself well and wisely! Happy happy holidays!