Celebrate your wins today …

I implemented a new trick this week.  It is a trick that I tell others about but do not do for myself.   I really ‘backed myself’ and I celebrated the wins, the things that I was doing no matter how seemingly insignificant.

Instead of inwardly moaning as I awoke, I got up and just told myself how excited I am to have started my day.  I gave myself a great ‘high five’ after each walk and run … and I just kept noticing the small things that I have been doing each day, as well as the bigger things.  I have been giving myself a big tick taking action. 

What I found is that in encouraging myself so I was encouraged to keep going.  I also found myself to be braver over tackling certain tasks.  Even the most mundane jobs were done with a greater sense of satisfaction.  

This exercise is not about ‘thinking too highly of oneself’, but rather about finding an easy way to create momentum and courage.  It was about actually taking stock of the day and batting away with gusto that sneaky ‘not enough’ voice.

So, celebrate your wins today … just do it! And may you have a wonderful weekend ahead.

Celebrate your wins today …

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