Being present to THIS moment …

Don’t let old problems punish your present potential.

This is about learning to let go of things that either you cannot actually change, to let go of past haunts and step over the ‘line in the sand’ and choosing to work with what you have in the very best possible of ways.

Questioning the stories that we tell ourselves about ourselves is so vitally helpful to ensuring that the image of what you have of yourself is actually true and also reflecting the person that you really want to be – or are becoming.  

Letting go is also important for the daily habits to help you move onward and upward.  This is the season exam results, job hunting and redirecting yourself into a new chapter.  And, the time to manage your thinking about the person you are, your capabilities, your potential and your values is NOW.  What are the values that really do matter to you? 

I want for you to take on the mantle of “I am capable, I can do this, I am able, …”.  I want you to know that you are also valuable.  Younreally are!  Your offer to your school, your workplace, to your friends is completely unique to you.   

What ever the task that you have at hand, break it down into ridiculously small tasks.  Little tiny steps WILL take you places.  And if you have just left school and now figuring out the next step, it is this figuring it out where so much learning happens – about you, other people, the work place, the study options and so forth.  

Already today you might have allowed yourself to dwell on those habitual thoughts that do nothing but deflate and depress you, or it might have been a day that you have not done something that you would like to have done.  That is alright!  LET IT GO and focus well on the next thing that you CAN do.  

A useful question to ask yourself:  “what are you telling yourself about the situation at the moment that is leading to these feeling”? 

Take stock, refresh, restart and keep going!  

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.  THE SERENITY PRAYER, Reinhold Niebuhr

  • Also, this might well be the season of taking a very true holiday!  And perhaps actually allow ourself to NOT be striving – but rather taking the time to really enjoy something that brings you utter relaxation and joy.

With this in mind – I am enjoying an August with an “out of office” on my door.  With family around, good books to read, and making time for the things that I really love doing – I am having a bit of a recalibration too.  I look forward to seeing you as September approaches!  

Being present to THIS moment …

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