I have met many young people over the years as they prepare for their interviews. My joy is when I see their faces light up as they begin to think upon what fires them up. As we start talking about the things that they really care about and what they love to do, then the conversations just flow. It becomes easy.
The innocuous question of “how do you like to fill your spare time?”, or “what subject do you look forward to each week?” can often be answered too glibly or I see the look that says “well, I never really think about it – I just do not know”. But it is the answer to these questions that are important to become clear on as they are the sign posts to what is important to you, what fires you up, and will indicate strongly the area of your strengths and natural abilities.
It is at this point that we discuss the qualities that he or she has that are appreciated by friends. It is easy to say that we are each unique and each have our gifts to offer but I do know that that notion is easily squashed when we compare our selves to others and negate what we have. As I say to clients: stop comparing yourself to others now! You are who you are, own it and relish your attributes. Comparing disempowers and distracts you. We are not designed to be the same as our friends. The great miracle of life is that we are all so different from one another and it is our differences that interweave us. Think rather on what you have to give. Think through the lens of your friends and family and ask yourself how they see you and the qualities that they appreciate in you. What compliments do you receive and what do people notice amount you.
Remind yourself that, whether a part of a school or family or company, you are an integral ingredient. Every individual brings something important to the whole. You will not be just as your friend is, but you will be appreciated and valued for who you are. Love what you love doing, continue to learn, grown and improve. That is your key. Keep giving of yourself and your talents. You may be surprised as to what others value and see in you that you yourself devalue or underestimate. Be yourself and get to understand your likes and dislikes. See your strengths and value them. Learn from your friends and those whom you surround yourself and take from them useful tips but never try and be them!
Be yourself, your best self.