You’ve got this … you really have.

I am the perfect example of somebody who regularly has ideas in my head as to how I would like to start doing things differently – and then all far too easily revert to the patterns of life that are so familiar and often effortless even if destructive.  In those moments I do wonder whether I really can change some of my patterns and habits and with that to create the possibility to change things to be more productive, more peaceful, more courageous?  Though this is such a recurrent question for me,   I also  know that I am not alone!   And the answer to the above is a resounding YES!  Renewing habits is, with understanding and patient perseverance, absolutely possible.  

Walking along side students as they tackle their challenges, I pick up on their internal chatter that goes unchallenged.   Some careful reframing of the situation has the potential to open up an array of very useful possibilities.   We can get so stuck in a mindset that it feels as if this is the right and only way, but science has proved that our brains are ‘neuroplastic’.  This means that, without doubt, our brains can be renewed.  We CAN acquire new habits; we ARE able to learn new skills; it is very POSSIBLE to rewire our habitual thought for the GOOD; that we are so so CAPABLE.

“If we did all the things that we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves”.  This quote comes from Thomas Edison (inventor, of amongst other things, the lightbulb!).  If you knew this to be absolutely true, how would you be now?  What would you do in this moment?  How would you feel and act?   What are the negative and repetitive thoughts that you would let go of immediately?  What would you start doing right now?  

So, in response as to whether we really can change I would say the following:

  • We naturally fall back to our old patterns – that is the brilliance of our brains.  Our brain is protecting us and trying to make things easier.  Hence why habits needs to be ‘re routed’ with a renewed thought life that is affirming and helpful.
  • It is absolutely alright to need to keep ‘reseting’.  Acquiring new skills and new habits requires patience, diligence and caring coaxing (ie, forgive yourself quickly for the times that you are not doing as you would like to be doing, and move on!).
  • What is your ‘why’ behind your actions.  Is this ‘why’ so compelling that you just have to do it!  If not and it really is important to you, then make it really vital and exciting.  
  • Even when you just feel as if nothing is changing at all – please know that little by little things are happening.  Your mind is becoming alert to new ways and though your mind might feel as if it is putting up a bit of a internal fight, you are much stronger than this.  Your mind is full of ‘thoughts’ and you are in charge of them!  

Keep trying, keep pushing on, keep learning, keep going.  As my daughter often says ‘you’ve got this’!

You’ve got this … you really have.

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