I am extremely lucky to be surrounded by lots of cousins. We are all so different from one another but together we can be honest to each other, laugh and cry amongst ourselves and there is not an issue that we cannot share. I know that I am enormously blessed by this.
Yesterday, I had work to do but was wonderfully sidetracked by invitations for a walk and tea (by a couple of cousins!). I cannot resist these invites and I am so grateful for them. The reason for this is the sheer uplift, encouragement and fresh perspective that I am given each time as we talk and discuss how we are all doing at the moment.
As with my family, when I open up and talk to friends about what is really going on behind my facade – I receive nothing but love, encouragement and great understanding – and this is because, more often than not, they are going through similar things too!
I tell you this, as I am urging you to reach out to your friends – the friends who you can confide in and the friends who will help you to see possibilities. It is the friends who offer wise advice, who listen well and who want the best for you. Those friends matter. And I have no doubt that you greatly matter to them too.
This is the same for our young too, especially those at university or have recently left. I am thinking especially of those who have been too isolated. As you well know, the consequence of this can be debilitating. It is all too easy to assume that others are ‘sorted’ and many of the young graduates that I talk to have been getting caught up in thinking patters that are depressing and, in so many cases, just not true.
This is why I am so keen for young people to reach out to uplift and help each other. This is why I encourage young people to keep talking to us and expressing as best as they are able what is going on in their minds to friends and family who really can listen well – a problem shared is a problem halved is so many cases.
Also, more often than not, as we share our own stories so this can be a help for others to open up themselves. We can all help each other – we can add fresh insights and support.
I find that walking out in the open really helps conversations to flow. Reaching out to a friend with a simple text – just an emoji that tells that person that you are thinking of them gives them a lift, and you! Perhaps you could do a task together? Or if you are a student, could you ask to study alongside a friend?
Perhaps today is a day that you could think about somebody who would particularly appreciate a call from you? Please just make that call. Connecting with those around you has the potential of creating a wonderful ripple affect.