So often I speak about ‘mindset’ but this is because I need to constantly remind myself of what is happening when I feel overwhelmed and fearful … and because being reminded of shifting oneself into a state of ‘hopefullness’ is energising and reassuring. And yes, there is always hope in any situation. We do not know for sure how things work out – but as we look back on our paths we can see that dots have in fact connected and that many good things have happened without even planning for them.
Hope comes from ‘expecting’ good things to happen. Hope comes from the knowledge that there are all sorts of wonderful possibilities that can come our way. Hope comes from allowing our minds to ‘wonder’ and ‘wander’ (into exciting scenarios).
Hope comes from trusting in our futures.
I know that for so many of our young, they are hearing messages that shout loudly about the problems and limitations. But this mostly comes from the media. How outlooks would change if the ‘good news’ stories were printed each day; if the stories of success were regularly proclaimed; and if each young person had a personal mentor tell them that they are so capable, so able and that they can do it.
What would HOPE feel like for you? Harness that feeling and live into it today. Choose to allow ‘hopefullness’ to come into your thoughts and words. Speak words of hope to your friends and colleagues. You will find that once you start ruminating on hopeful thoughts and ideas, all sorts of possibilities will appear. And, whilst on this note of affirmation, nudge yourself to stand tall and smile. A gentle smile changes your disposition. Being present really helps too to be calm in this moment. This you can practice. It becomes easier with time. Praying for hopefulness helps too.
Well done. You’ve got this.